
Work Related Upper Limb Claim

Work Related Upper Limb Claim

Work Related Upper Limb Disorder Claims

Upper limb disorder is a general term that refers to a number of occupational or industrial diseases that affect the upper limbs – including the shoulder, elbow, neck, arm, hands, and wrist as well as the soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and muscles that provide support for them.

If you have suffered a work related upper limb disorder, you may be entitled to make a compensation claim. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd has a team of claim specialists that will walk you through the claim process.

Although not all work related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) are caused by work, most are linked to industrial activities or may be worsened by activities at the workplace. They include conditions that may not have a precise or specific diagnosis and lead to the gradual development of symptoms such as pain or problem with movement.

These conditions are generally referred to as repetitive strain injuries, and as the name implies, they are caused by regular usage and strenuous movement of the muscles and tendons.

Conditions Associated with WRULDs
Prolonged periods of repetitive activity at the workplace can lead to conditions such as peritendinitis crepitans, trigger finger, bursitis, cubital syndrome, tendinitis, hand arm vibration syndrome, epicondylitis, tenosynovitis, diffuse repetitive strain injury, vibration white finger, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Symptoms of WRULDs
Symptoms of work related upper limb disorders include swelling of the limbs, tiredness in the affected limb, pain, weakness, and numbness of the fingers or hands.

WRULDs – Associated Occupations
Occupations that typically expose individuals to work related upper limb disorders include carpentry, building construction, operation and usage of the keyboard, writing, use of vibrating tools, gardening, and food preparation.

From making appropriate heavy lifting machinery available to ensuring all employees have breaks at intervals, it is an employer’s duty to make the workplace an environment that complies with health and safety standards and best practices. It is also the responsibility of an employer to provide adequate training for all employees so they are able to handle industrial pressure professionally – for their protection.

In line with Health and Safety standards, an employer must also carry out risk assessment of the entire work environment. This will help to identify potential hazards as well as workers that are likely to be affected. Complying with the Health and Safety (HSE) standards will mean an employer must ensure the work environment is controlled, the working position of each staff is comfortable, and if the task of each employee is to continue for extended periods.

How to Make a Compensation Claim for Work Related Upper Limb Disorders?
If you think your working conditions have been compromised by your employer, exposing you to work related upper limb disorders, you may be entitled to make a compensation claim. Receiving a fair amount of compensation can help affected individuals manage their conditions better while also providing a feeling of calm knowing that justice has been served.

When you contact Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd, you can rest assured that our experienced, savvy claim specialists will handle your case professionally and with optimum care, giving it the consideration required. Our claim specialists are straightforward and adopt a practical approach to industrial disease cases.

Since there is a three-year limit within which you will be required to make a compensation claim, our claim specialists at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd advise that you contact us as soon as possible so we can go through the details of your case and help you take the first steps towards receiving the compensation you deserve.

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Contact us to start the claims process today

Work Related Upper Limb Disorder Claims

Upper limb disorder is a general term that refers to a number of occupational or industrial diseases that affect the upper limbs – including the shoulder, elbow, neck, arm, hands, and wrist as well as the soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and muscles that provide support for them.

If you have suffered a work related upper limb disorder, you may be entitled to make a compensation claim. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd has a team of claim specialists that will walk you through the claim process.

Although not all work related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) are caused by work, most are linked to industrial activities or may be worsened by activities at the workplace. They include conditions that may not have a precise or specific diagnosis and lead to the gradual development of symptoms such as pain or problem with movement.

These conditions are generally referred to as repetitive strain injuries, and as the name implies, they are caused by regular usage and strenuous movement of the muscles and tendons.

Conditions Associated with WRULDs
Prolonged periods of repetitive activity at the workplace can lead to conditions such as peritendinitis crepitans, trigger finger, bursitis, cubital syndrome, tendinitis, hand arm vibration syndrome, epicondylitis, tenosynovitis, diffuse repetitive strain injury, vibration white finger, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Symptoms of WRULDs
Symptoms of work related upper limb disorders include swelling of the limbs, tiredness in the affected limb, pain, weakness, and numbness of the fingers or hands.

WRULDs – Associated Occupations
Occupations that typically expose individuals to work related upper limb disorders include carpentry, building construction, operation and usage of the keyboard, writing, use of vibrating tools, gardening, and food preparation.

From making appropriate heavy lifting machinery available to ensuring all employees have breaks at intervals, it is an employer’s duty to make the workplace an environment that complies with health and safety standards and best practices. It is also the responsibility of an employer to provide adequate training for all employees so they are able to handle industrial pressure professionally – for their protection.

In line with Health and Safety standards, an employer must also carry out risk assessment of the entire work environment. This will help to identify potential hazards as well as workers that are likely to be affected. Complying with the Health and Safety (HSE) standards will mean an employer must ensure the work environment is controlled, the working position of each staff is comfortable, and if the task of each employee is to continue for extended periods.

How to Make a Compensation Claim for Work Related Upper Limb Disorders?
If you think your working conditions have been compromised by your employer, exposing you to work related upper limb disorders, you may be entitled to make a compensation claim. Receiving a fair amount of compensation can help affected individuals manage their conditions better while also providing a feeling of calm knowing that justice has been served.

When you contact Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd, you can rest assured that our experienced, savvy claim specialists will handle your case professionally and with optimum care, giving it the consideration required. Our claim specialists are straightforward and adopt a practical approach to industrial disease cases.

Since there is a three-year limit within which you will be required to make a compensation claim, our claim specialists at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd advise that you contact us as soon as possible so we can go through the details of your case and help you take the first steps towards receiving the compensation you deserve.

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Contact us to start the claims process today

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