
Types of Claims Criminal Injury

Types of Claims Criminal Injury

Types of Claims - Criminal Injury

There are a variety of different types of claims involving criminal injuries that you are eligible to be awarded compensation for if your injuries are directly attributed to violent criminal actions. All criminal injury claims must be lodged with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority or CICA. This Glasgow-based executive authority examines your injuries and then refers to Parliament’s Injuries Tariff to decide on what your compensation level should be.

This injury tariff includes over 400 different types of injuries that each has 25 degrees of severity. Parliament is constantly updating this list to reflect current trends or to reduce or add coverage categories.

Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can negotiate directly with CICA on your behalf to help you achieve your compensation goals. We understand how important compensation is to an injured individual and we specialise in making the claims process as stress-free as possible. Below are some of the different types of compensation claims that can be lodged through CICA:

Types of Claims – Direct Victim
You are eligible to receive compensation if you were a direct victim of violence meaning you were assaulted, molested, attacked, or harassed directly. While murder and other violent crime rates have decreased over the last couple years there are still people victimised every day in Scotland.

Types of Claims – Exceptional and Justified Risk
An exceptional and justified risk would be an action made in an attempt to better a situation such as trying to apprehend an offender, prevent a crime, or assist a constable. People are injured all the time trying to prevent crimes from occurring and you are eligible to receive compensation for your injuries if you are hurt while committing one of these selfless acts.

Types of Claims – Witness Injury
A witness injury claim can be lodged when a loved one is hurt while witnessing a crime take place or in the immediate aftermath of a crime. CICA requires that the person hurt has to have a close relationship with the witness and that the injured party is alive at the time of lodging the claim.

Types of Claims – Terrorist Attack
Terrorist attack victims can now lodge a claim with CICA to seek compensation for their damages. Terror attacks have increased sharply since the invasion of Iraq and in 2012 it was decided to add this type of claim to CICAs list of responsibilities. This statute covers UK residents traveling or living abroad s terrorist victims don’t have to be injured in the UK to lodge a claim.

Residency Required
Scottish law requires you to be a citizen to lodge a criminal injury claim with CICA. This wasn’t always the case and until 2012 foreigners had the ability to utilise this service as well. In 2012 CICA made huge revisions to its compensation scales and requirements, removing many minor injuries from their list of compensation worthy injuries.

How Long do I Have to Lodge Claim?
You can wait no longer than two years from the date of your accident to lodge a claim. Waiting this long is not recommended as it will only seek to make the evidence gathering process more difficult. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can help you to lodge your claim by gathering the required evidence you need for you.

How A Claim Advisor can Help You to Achieve Your Compensation Goals
Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd has the experience and knowledge to guide you through the claims process efficiently and effectively. Each claim is assigned a claims specialist who will examine the unique circumstances surrounding your injury and give you the best options to be considered.

Now Win No Fee
We are confident in our abilities to help and if you are not awarded compensation for your injuries we will waive 100% of our fees. Contact us to start the claims process today.

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Contact us to start the claims process today.

Types of Claims - Criminal Injury

There are a variety of different types of claims involving criminal injuries that you are eligible to be awarded compensation for if your injuries are directly attributed to violent criminal actions. All criminal injury claims must be lodged with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority or CICA. This Glasgow-based executive authority examines your injuries and then refers to Parliament’s Injuries Tariff to decide on what your compensation level should be.

This injury tariff includes over 400 different types of injuries that each has 25 degrees of severity. Parliament is constantly updating this list to reflect current trends or to reduce or add coverage categories.

Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can negotiate directly with CICA on your behalf to help you achieve your compensation goals. We understand how important compensation is to an injured individual and we specialise in making the claims process as stress-free as possible. Below are some of the different types of compensation claims that can be lodged through CICA:

Types of Claims – Direct Victim
You are eligible to receive compensation if you were a direct victim of violence meaning you were assaulted, molested, attacked, or harassed directly. While murder and other violent crime rates have decreased over the last couple years there are still people victimised every day in Scotland.

Types of Claims – Exceptional and Justified Risk
An exceptional and justified risk would be an action made in an attempt to better a situation such as trying to apprehend an offender, prevent a crime, or assist a constable. People are injured all the time trying to prevent crimes from occurring and you are eligible to receive compensation for your injuries if you are hurt while committing one of these selfless acts.

Types of Claims – Witness Injury
A witness injury claim can be lodged when a loved one is hurt while witnessing a crime take place or in the immediate aftermath of a crime. CICA requires that the person hurt has to have a close relationship with the witness and that the injured party is alive at the time of lodging the claim.

Types of Claims – Terrorist Attack
Terrorist attack victims can now lodge a claim with CICA to seek compensation for their damages. Terror attacks have increased sharply since the invasion of Iraq and in 2012 it was decided to add this type of claim to CICAs list of responsibilities. This statute covers UK residents traveling or living abroad s terrorist victims don’t have to be injured in the UK to lodge a claim.

Residency Required
Scottish law requires you to be a citizen to lodge a criminal injury claim with CICA. This wasn’t always the case and until 2012 foreigners had the ability to utilise this service as well. In 2012 CICA made huge revisions to its compensation scales and requirements, removing many minor injuries from their list of compensation worthy injuries.

How Long do I Have to Lodge Claim?
You can wait no longer than two years from the date of your accident to lodge a claim. Waiting this long is not recommended as it will only seek to make the evidence gathering process more difficult. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can help you to lodge your claim by gathering the required evidence you need for you.

How A Claim Advisor can Help You to Achieve Your Compensation Goals
Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd has the experience and knowledge to guide you through the claims process efficiently and effectively. Each claim is assigned a claims specialist who will examine the unique circumstances surrounding your injury and give you the best options to be considered.

Now Win No Fee
We are confident in our abilities to help and if you are not awarded compensation for your injuries we will waive 100% of our fees. Contact us to start the claims process today.

Contact Us
Contact us to start the claims process today.

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