
Industrial lnjury Claims

Industrial lnjury Claims

Industrial Injury Claims

Industrial injury claims can involve multiple parties and serious bodily harm. According to recent statistics reported by the Health and Safety Executive, in 2015 there were over 621,000 workers that suffered industrial injury. Additionally, 1.3 million workers suffered illnesses due to their place of employment that same year. You are eligible to receive industrial disease compensation if you have been injured in an industrial accident that was caused by another party’s negligence.

Each industry inherently possesses its unique set of risks and it is important to mention that, just because an industry is considered more hazardous, it doesn’t automatically mean that the industry experiences more work related injuries. HSE statistics clearly show that the top 5 industries with the most work related injuries are as follows.

  • Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
  • Construction
  • Accommodation/Food Services
  • Transport/Storage
  • Manufacturers

Common Types of Industrial Injury Claims
Industrial injuries are more common in industries that require heavy lifting or utilize heavy machinery. The agricultural sector is the most dangerous as it is exposed to a wide array of risks that most industries are not exposed to. You are eligible to receive compensation whenever you are injured because another party failed to fulfil their legal safety commitments. This is regardless of the industry you work in. Below is some common industrial accident Injuries experienced in Scotland:

Slips, Trips, and Falls
Slips and trips provide a real hazard to workers across all industries with 95% of severe slips resulting in broken bones. Items left in walkways, spilled liquids, and uneven floors are universal risks shared by all industries. It is your employer’s responsibility to ensure they provide their employees with safe and clear walkways to complete their work.

Manual and Heavy Lifting Accidents
Industries that require employees to lift heavy objects experience higher numbers of neck and back injuries. All employees must be trained on the proper techniques to use when lifting heavy objects and employers should provide lifting equipment to help reduce risks further.

Back and neck injuries that involve deep tissue damage can require special treatment. These injuries are especially dangerous as they have a tendency to appear days and even weeks after the initial accident occurred. Insurance companies are notorious for being weary of injuries that appear after the injured party has left the scene of the accident. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can keep you one-step ahead off the greedy insurance companies by providing you the timely information you need to be successful.

Dangerous Machinery Accidents
Industries that require the use of heavy machinery expose employees to the risks of crush injuries and lacerations and in many instances, a loss of limb is the result of another party’s negligent behaviour. Employers must train their staff in the proper handling and operation of all heavy machinery prior to allowing an employee to operate these dangerous machines.

Hazardous Substances
The handling of hazardous substances must be taken seriously. Chemical burns, blindness, and respiratory illnesses can result from improper handling of dangerous chemicals. Employers are required by law to notify you of any hazardous chemicals you may encounter while at your job.

Falls from Heights
When you are required to work from heights such as scaffolding or ladders, you are exposed to falling risks. Falling accidents are among the most common types of injuries sustained in the workplace. The HSE has set out specific guidelines, such as the Work at Height Regulations, which must be followed to reduce the risk of injury to employees that work in this dangerous environment.

Accidents Involving Forklift Truck
Forklifts, Tractors, and other mobile machinery must be handled with care. This includes proper safety equipment being worn by anyone in the general area of these machines. Helmets should be worn to lower the risk of injury due to falling objects. Operators must wear their seatbelts to prevent runaway machinery and personal injury.

What are My Employees Legal Responsibilities?
The HSE has set out very specific guidelines that relate to each industry and the health and safety precautions they are expected to follow. Employers have a legal responsibility to notify all employers of the risks they will encounter while on the job and how to handle these hazardous conditions, should they be encountered. Below is some examples of the legislation put in place to help keep employees safe.

  • The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • The Work at Height Regulations 2005
  • The Manual Handling Regulations 1992
  • The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

Can I Get Fired for Lodging a Industrial Injury Claim Against my Employer?
You cannot be fired for lodging a claim against your employer. People can be wary of lodging a claim against their employer. This is because most people do not understand the claims process and they assume that their employer will take the financial loss.

In reality, your employer has been paying insurance premiums for years to protect themselves from any losses including industrial disease compensation claims. The fact is the only party that comes out on top when you don’t lodge your claim is the insurance companies. They continue to rake in millions of pounds in profit every year without having to pay out their fair share in claims.

Why a Claim Advisor Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd understands the delicate manner in which a claim against your employer must be handled and we have years of experience helping people to navigate the claims procedure. Our expert team will gather the evidence you need to lodge your claim with success and we will negotiate with your employers insurer to keep your interests protected.

No Win No Fee
We stand behind our clients and we understand what compensation can mean to you. If we are unable to secure your compensation, we will waive our legal fees. This way you can concentrate on healing and not on mounting fees.

Start Your Claim
Contact us today to start the claims process today. An individual claim specialist will be assigned to your claim. They will examine the specific circumstances of your accident and help you to fully understand what options are available to you.

Industrial Injury Claims

Industrial injury claims can involve multiple parties and serious bodily harm. According to recent statistics reported by the Health and Safety Executive, in 2015 there were over 621,000 workers that suffered industrial injury. Additionally, 1.3 million workers suffered illnesses due to their place of employment that same year. You are eligible to receive industrial disease compensation if you have been injured in an industrial accident that was caused by another party’s negligence.

Each industry inherently possesses its unique set of risks and it is important to mention that, just because an industry is considered more hazardous, it doesn’t automatically mean that the industry experiences more work related injuries. HSE statistics clearly show that the top 5 industries with the most work related injuries are as follows.

  • Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
  • Construction
  • Accommodation/Food Services
  • Transport/Storage
  • Manufacturers

Common Types of Industrial Injury Claims
Industrial injuries are more common in industries that require heavy lifting or utilize heavy machinery. The agricultural sector is the most dangerous as it is exposed to a wide array of risks that most industries are not exposed to. You are eligible to receive compensation whenever you are injured because another party failed to fulfil their legal safety commitments. This is regardless of the industry you work in. Below is some common industrial accident Injuries experienced in Scotland:

Slips, Trips, and Falls
Slips and trips provide a real hazard to workers across all industries with 95% of severe slips resulting in broken bones. Items left in walkways, spilled liquids, and uneven floors are universal risks shared by all industries. It is your employer’s responsibility to ensure they provide their employees with safe and clear walkways to complete their work.

Manual and Heavy Lifting Accidents
Industries that require employees to lift heavy objects experience higher numbers of neck and back injuries. All employees must be trained on the proper techniques to use when lifting heavy objects and employers should provide lifting equipment to help reduce risks further.

Back and neck injuries that involve deep tissue damage can require special treatment. These injuries are especially dangerous as they have a tendency to appear days and even weeks after the initial accident occurred. Insurance companies are notorious for being weary of injuries that appear after the injured party has left the scene of the accident. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can keep you one-step ahead off the greedy insurance companies by providing you the timely information you need to be successful.

Dangerous Machinery Accidents
Industries that require the use of heavy machinery expose employees to the risks of crush injuries and lacerations and in many instances, a loss of limb is the result of another party’s negligent behaviour. Employers must train their staff in the proper handling and operation of all heavy machinery prior to allowing an employee to operate these dangerous machines.

Hazardous Substances
The handling of hazardous substances must be taken seriously. Chemical burns, blindness, and respiratory illnesses can result from improper handling of dangerous chemicals. Employers are required by law to notify you of any hazardous chemicals you may encounter while at your job.

Falls from Heights
When you are required to work from heights such as scaffolding or ladders, you are exposed to falling risks. Falling accidents are among the most common types of injuries sustained in the workplace. The HSE has set out specific guidelines, such as the Work at Height Regulations, which must be followed to reduce the risk of injury to employees that work in this dangerous environment.

Accidents Involving Forklift Truck
Forklifts, Tractors, and other mobile machinery must be handled with care. This includes proper safety equipment being worn by anyone in the general area of these machines. Helmets should be worn to lower the risk of injury due to falling objects. Operators must wear their seatbelts to prevent runaway machinery and personal injury.

What are My Employees Legal Responsibilities?
The HSE has set out very specific guidelines that relate to each industry and the health and safety precautions they are expected to follow. Employers have a legal responsibility to notify all employers of the risks they will encounter while on the job and how to handle these hazardous conditions, should they be encountered. Below is some examples of the legislation put in place to help keep employees safe.

  • The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • The Work at Height Regulations 2005
  • The Manual Handling Regulations 1992
  • The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

Can I Get Fired for Lodging a Industrial Injury Claim Against my Employer?
You cannot be fired for lodging a claim against your employer. People can be wary of lodging a claim against their employer. This is because most people do not understand the claims process and they assume that their employer will take the financial loss.

In reality, your employer has been paying insurance premiums for years to protect themselves from any losses including industrial disease compensation claims. The fact is the only party that comes out on top when you don’t lodge your claim is the insurance companies. They continue to rake in millions of pounds in profit every year without having to pay out their fair share in claims.

Why a Claim Advisor Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd understands the delicate manner in which a claim against your employer must be handled and we have years of experience helping people to navigate the claims procedure. Our expert team will gather the evidence you need to lodge your claim with success and we will negotiate with your employers insurer to keep your interests protected.

No Win No Fee
We stand behind our clients and we understand what compensation can mean to you. If we are unable to secure your compensation, we will waive our legal fees. This way you can concentrate on healing and not on mounting fees.

Start Your Claim
Contact us today to start the claims process today. An individual claim specialist will be assigned to your claim. They will examine the specific circumstances of your accident and help you to fully understand what options are available to you.

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