
Dioxin Poisoning Claims

Dioxin Poisoning Claims

Dioxin Poisoning Claims

If you have been exposed to dioxin at the workplace, our claim specialists at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can help you make a compensation claim. Dioxin refers to a group of chemicals with similar biological or chemical characteristics and they are split into three main groups, namely: chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs), chlorinated dibenzofurans (CDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Although CDFs and CDDs are not manufactured intentionally, they are produced through industrial processes such as chlorine bleaching at drinking water treatment plants and at paper mills. CDDs are also created during the production of other chemicals, from burning of fuels such as coal, wood, or oil, and by household and industrial waste incinerators. PCBs are used as lubricants and coolants in transformers in some heating and electrical equipment and mining machineries.

Dioxin poisoning can occur as a result of exposure to dioxins through the inhalation of contaminated dust, skin contact, or ingestion and the symptoms here can vary from mild to serious life-threatening diseases.

Who is at risk of Dioxin Poisoning?
Although small amounts of dioxin may be found in our environment, exposure in this case is harmless. On the other hand, exposure to large amounts of dioxin or small amounts over a prolonged period of time can be harmful.

You may be exposed to toxic levels of dioxin if you are an employee in an industry where it is used or emitted. These industries may include production of pesticides, pulp and paper mill industries, at an incinerator plant, or a recycling plant during the recycle of copper or aluminum. Firefighters may also be exposed to toxic levels of dioxin when they are taking care of transformer fires.

Unfortunately, employees in the affected industries may be directed to take of tasks that expose them to dangerous dioxins at the workplace without adequate protective clothing and training in how to handle these harmful chemicals. Worse still, members of the public may also come in contact with dioxins found in industrial wastes that have been pumped into the air, designated land sites, or water bodies.

Symptoms of Dioxin Poisoning
Symptoms of dioxin poisoning may range from immediate too long term. Immediate symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain. A long term symptom of prolonged exposure to high doses of dioxin is ‘chloroacne’ – an acne-like skin lesion that generally affects the upper body and face. Rashes, excessive body hair, and discoloration may also affect the skin. Large amounts of exposure may also affect metabolic processes, cause kidney damage, and hormonal changes. Some studies have also linked dioxin exposure to cancer and male infertility. Unfortunately, since dioxin remains in the body system for long periods of time, the symptoms may take some time to manifest.

In ensuring the protection of employees against dioxin exposure, it is the responsibility of an employer to organise risk assessments of the workplace. This will be a big indicator of the appropriate steps that must be taken to safeguard the health of workers therein.

Can I make a Compensation Claim for Dioxin Poisoning?
Sure! If you think negligence on the part of your employer may have exposed you to dioxin at the workplace, you are entitled to make a compensation claim. Our claim specialists at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can assist you by going through the details of your case to prove the link between your employer’s negligence and your current medical condition.

Is the company where you worked now out of business? Do not panic. Our claim specialists at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can still pursue a compensation claim by tracing the insurer of your former company. Our claim specialists have several years of experience supporting people with a variety of work-related injury matters – they will work with you through your case to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Feel free to contact us anytime – we would be happy to provide an estimate that is an ideal indicator of what you may be entitled to after we have reviewed the specifics of your case.

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Contact us to start the claims process today.

Dioxin Poisoning Claims

If you have been exposed to dioxin at the workplace, our claim specialists at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can help you make a compensation claim. Dioxin refers to a group of chemicals with similar biological or chemical characteristics and they are split into three main groups, namely: chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs), chlorinated dibenzofurans (CDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Although CDFs and CDDs are not manufactured intentionally, they are produced through industrial processes such as chlorine bleaching at drinking water treatment plants and at paper mills. CDDs are also created during the production of other chemicals, from burning of fuels such as coal, wood, or oil, and by household and industrial waste incinerators. PCBs are used as lubricants and coolants in transformers in some heating and electrical equipment and mining machineries.

Dioxin poisoning can occur as a result of exposure to dioxins through the inhalation of contaminated dust, skin contact, or ingestion and the symptoms here can vary from mild to serious life-threatening diseases.

Who is at risk of Dioxin Poisoning?
Although small amounts of dioxin may be found in our environment, exposure in this case is harmless. On the other hand, exposure to large amounts of dioxin or small amounts over a prolonged period of time can be harmful.

You may be exposed to toxic levels of dioxin if you are an employee in an industry where it is used or emitted. These industries may include production of pesticides, pulp and paper mill industries, at an incinerator plant, or a recycling plant during the recycle of copper or aluminum. Firefighters may also be exposed to toxic levels of dioxin when they are taking care of transformer fires.

Unfortunately, employees in the affected industries may be directed to take of tasks that expose them to dangerous dioxins at the workplace without adequate protective clothing and training in how to handle these harmful chemicals. Worse still, members of the public may also come in contact with dioxins found in industrial wastes that have been pumped into the air, designated land sites, or water bodies.

Symptoms of Dioxin Poisoning
Symptoms of dioxin poisoning may range from immediate too long term. Immediate symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain. A long term symptom of prolonged exposure to high doses of dioxin is ‘chloroacne’ – an acne-like skin lesion that generally affects the upper body and face. Rashes, excessive body hair, and discoloration may also affect the skin. Large amounts of exposure may also affect metabolic processes, cause kidney damage, and hormonal changes. Some studies have also linked dioxin exposure to cancer and male infertility. Unfortunately, since dioxin remains in the body system for long periods of time, the symptoms may take some time to manifest.

In ensuring the protection of employees against dioxin exposure, it is the responsibility of an employer to organise risk assessments of the workplace. This will be a big indicator of the appropriate steps that must be taken to safeguard the health of workers therein.

Can I make a Compensation Claim for Dioxin Poisoning?
Sure! If you think negligence on the part of your employer may have exposed you to dioxin at the workplace, you are entitled to make a compensation claim. Our claim specialists at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can assist you by going through the details of your case to prove the link between your employer’s negligence and your current medical condition.

Is the company where you worked now out of business? Do not panic. Our claim specialists at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can still pursue a compensation claim by tracing the insurer of your former company. Our claim specialists have several years of experience supporting people with a variety of work-related injury matters – they will work with you through your case to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Feel free to contact us anytime – we would be happy to provide an estimate that is an ideal indicator of what you may be entitled to after we have reviewed the specifics of your case.

Contact Us​
Contact us to start the claims process today.

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