
Back Injury Caused By Unsuitable To

Back Injury Caused By Unsuitable To

Back Injury Caused By Unsuitable Tools Claims - Hurt Back at Work

Construction workers and other professionals that are required to perform excavations as part of their duties can be more likely to experience a hurt back at work. Digging and trench work is an essential part of the construction process. Digging can place a physical toll on workers and injuries are more likely to occur as fatigue sets in. Construction employers must provide their staff with the proper training to ensure they are not exposing themselves to unseen hazards that can lead to a hurt back at work.

Breaking into the hard ground can prove to be a struggle. Shoulder and knee injuries are more common in this type of manual labour because of the intense swinging used during the excavation process. Although it may be impossible to remove all risks from the excavating process, you can reduce your exposure to hazardous conditions by following the safety guidelines set in place by the Health and Safety Executive.

According to the 2015 Health and Safety Executive’s Labour Force Survey statistics, there were nearly 122,000 non-fatal manual handling injuries reported in the UK. Repetitive movements add to the hazards of construction as they can lead to long-term medical conditions as well. Back and neck injuries are troubling in nature because their symptoms can take years to show.

Your Employer’s Legal Responsibilities
Your employer is tasked with a number of responsibilities that must be followed prior to operating their business. All employees must be properly trained on the techniques and safety precautions that are set in place by the HSE. Your employer must ensure you are provided with the proper tools for the job at hand as well as all safety equipment required by law. Your employer is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of this equipment and even if the equipment failure was the result of the manufacturer, your employer is still considered liable under the ‘duty of care’ set forth by the HSE. You are eligible to receive compensation anytime your employer has failed to keep you safe and this resulted in you sustaining injury.

Causes of A Hurt Back at Work
Back pain can be triggered by many different activities and any motions that can be considered repetitive can eventually lead to some ailment forming. Below are the most common causes of back pain in Scotland:

  • Repeated Lifting
  • Lifting Heavy Objects
  • Slips, Trips, and Falls
  • Brocken or Unsafe Chairs
  • Improperly Handled Loads
  • Manual Labour Tasks
  • Driving for Extended Time Periods
  • Poor Posture

A hurt back at work can be the result of a combination of these factors and according to workplace statistics, 49% of those injured reported chronic back pains. Chronic back pains can last for years and worsen over time. You are eligible to receive compensation if you are experiencing chronic back pain because you employer failed to provide you with the proper tools to complete your job.

Judging the Severity of Your Hurt Back at Work
Back injuries are particularly tricky in nature because it can be very difficult to judge the severity of your injury. Many back injuries start with mild discomfort before quickly turning to excruciating pain. In these scenarios, the pain felt may not correspond to the true severity of your injury.

It is important that you monitor all back injuries vigilantly. Each back injury is unique in its nature and must be professionally evaluated in order to determine the true extent of your injuries. You should never wait to seek treatment for your back injury to avoid more serious complications from forming. Serious back injuries can be life-altering experiences and must be treated as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring.

Treatment for a Back Injury
The severity of your injuries must be taken into account to determine the best treatment for your back pain. While mild injuries will require a simple hot or cold press, more severe injuries can require surgical procedures. As each back injury is unique, each individual must seek professional medical advice in order to make the right treatment decisions.

A physician may prescribe you painkillers to help you cope with the discomfort associated with acute back pain. Below are some common medications used to help patients alleviate the discomfort of back injuries caused by the use of improper tools:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen
  • Aspirin
  • Percocet
  • Morphine

What you Need to Lodge a Back Injury Caused by Unsuitable Tools Claims
When you experience a back injury, it is important that you follow a few important steps to ensure your injury is properly handled and documented. Your employer is required to keep an accident logbook on premises. This book is used to keep a record of all injuries that occurred on their job site or while providing their services off-site. You will need to make an entry in this logbook.

You should seek medical attention as soon as possible because the longer you wait, the higher the risk of long-term damage. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd will gather all the evidence you need to lodge your claim. Our expert team will work around the clock to provide you with the professional advice you need to stay one-step ahead of the insurance companies.

How Long Do I Have to Lodge My Hurt Back at Work Claim?
You must lodge your claim within three years of the date of your injury. Ideally, the sooner you lodge your claim, the better. You will have the greatest access to evidence that may support your claim when you lodge your claim closer to the date of your accident.

Can I be Fired for Lodging My Hurt Back at Work Claim?
Your employer cannot fire you for lodging a claim with the court. Scottish law protects your rights as an employee. It is not your employer that pays your compensation but rather, their insurer. Your employer has been paying insurance premiums for years and if you decide not to lodge your claim, it is the insurance companies that truly win, as they continue to keep all of those premiums without having to ever pay out any compensation to those injured. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can help you lodge your claim against your employer in a manner that is respectful and professional.

How Long Before I Receive Compensation?
Numerous factors must be examined prior to you receiving your compensation. The court will investigate the cause of your accident and the severity of your injuries. They may also do further investigation into your financial losses. All of this will be taken into consideration before your final compensation is awarded.

Start Your Claim
Contact us today to start the claims process.

Back Injury Caused By Unsuitable Tools Claims - Hurt Back at Work

Construction workers and other professionals that are required to perform excavations as part of their duties can be more likely to experience a hurt back at work. Digging and trench work is an essential part of the construction process. Digging can place a physical toll on workers and injuries are more likely to occur as fatigue sets in. Construction employers must provide their staff with the proper training to ensure they are not exposing themselves to unseen hazards that can lead to a hurt back at work.

Breaking into the hard ground can prove to be a struggle. Shoulder and knee injuries are more common in this type of manual labour because of the intense swinging used during the excavation process. Although it may be impossible to remove all risks from the excavating process, you can reduce your exposure to hazardous conditions by following the safety guidelines set in place by the Health and Safety Executive.

According to the 2015 Health and Safety Executive’s Labour Force Survey statistics, there were nearly 122,000 non-fatal manual handling injuries reported in the UK. Repetitive movements add to the hazards of construction as they can lead to long-term medical conditions as well. Back and neck injuries are troubling in nature because their symptoms can take years to show.

Your Employer’s Legal Responsibilities
Your employer is tasked with a number of responsibilities that must be followed prior to operating their business. All employees must be properly trained on the techniques and safety precautions that are set in place by the HSE. Your employer must ensure you are provided with the proper tools for the job at hand as well as all safety equipment required by law. Your employer is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of this equipment and even if the equipment failure was the result of the manufacturer, your employer is still considered liable under the ‘duty of care’ set forth by the HSE. You are eligible to receive compensation anytime your employer has failed to keep you safe and this resulted in you sustaining injury.

Causes of A Hurt Back at Work
Back pain can be triggered by many different activities and any motions that can be considered repetitive can eventually lead to some ailment forming. Below are the most common causes of back pain in Scotland:

  • Repeated Lifting
  • Lifting Heavy Objects
  • Slips, Trips, and Falls
  • Brocken or Unsafe Chairs
  • Improperly Handled Loads
  • Manual Labour Tasks
  • Driving for Extended Time Periods
  • Poor Posture

A hurt back at work can be the result of a combination of these factors and according to workplace statistics, 49% of those injured reported chronic back pains. Chronic back pains can last for years and worsen over time. You are eligible to receive compensation if you are experiencing chronic back pain because you employer failed to provide you with the proper tools to complete your job.

Judging the Severity of Your Hurt Back at Work
Back injuries are particularly tricky in nature because it can be very difficult to judge the severity of your injury. Many back injuries start with mild discomfort before quickly turning to excruciating pain. In these scenarios, the pain felt may not correspond to the true severity of your injury.

It is important that you monitor all back injuries vigilantly. Each back injury is unique in its nature and must be professionally evaluated in order to determine the true extent of your injuries. You should never wait to seek treatment for your back injury to avoid more serious complications from forming. Serious back injuries can be life-altering experiences and must be treated as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring.

Treatment for a Back Injury
The severity of your injuries must be taken into account to determine the best treatment for your back pain. While mild injuries will require a simple hot or cold press, more severe injuries can require surgical procedures. As each back injury is unique, each individual must seek professional medical advice in order to make the right treatment decisions.

A physician may prescribe you painkillers to help you cope with the discomfort associated with acute back pain. Below are some common medications used to help patients alleviate the discomfort of back injuries caused by the use of improper tools:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen
  • Aspirin
  • Percocet
  • Morphine

What you Need to Lodge a Back Injury Caused by Unsuitable Tools Claims
When you experience a back injury, it is important that you follow a few important steps to ensure your injury is properly handled and documented. Your employer is required to keep an accident logbook on premises. This book is used to keep a record of all injuries that occurred on their job site or while providing their services off-site. You will need to make an entry in this logbook.

You should seek medical attention as soon as possible because the longer you wait, the higher the risk of long-term damage. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd will gather all the evidence you need to lodge your claim. Our expert team will work around the clock to provide you with the professional advice you need to stay one-step ahead of the insurance companies.

How Long Do I Have to Lodge My Hurt Back at Work Claim?
You must lodge your claim within three years of the date of your injury. Ideally, the sooner you lodge your claim, the better. You will have the greatest access to evidence that may support your claim when you lodge your claim closer to the date of your accident.

Can I be Fired for Lodging My Hurt Back at Work Claim?
Your employer cannot fire you for lodging a claim with the court. Scottish law protects your rights as an employee. It is not your employer that pays your compensation but rather, their insurer. Your employer has been paying insurance premiums for years and if you decide not to lodge your claim, it is the insurance companies that truly win, as they continue to keep all of those premiums without having to ever pay out any compensation to those injured. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can help you lodge your claim against your employer in a manner that is respectful and professional.

How Long Before I Receive Compensation?
Numerous factors must be examined prior to you receiving your compensation. The court will investigate the cause of your accident and the severity of your injuries. They may also do further investigation into your financial losses. All of this will be taken into consideration before your final compensation is awarded.

Start Your Claim
Contact us today to start the claims process.

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