
Asbestos Claims

Asbestos Claims

Asbestos Claims

Exposure to asbestos was first identified as a work-related hazard in the early 1900s. Since this recognition, thousands of asbestos claims have been filed against companies and employers for neglecting appropriate safety standards to protect their employees despite knowing the link between asbestos exposure and life-threatening diseases.

If you think you have been exposed to asbestos at your workplace, you may be able to claim asbestos compensation. This will involve a legal claim against your employer (or former employer) for causing your injury, whether directly or indirectly, through exposure to asbestos. Exposure to asbestos is the biggest cause of occupational hazards in the UK today.

Even if its use is now illegal, asbestos is still found in a few products and materials such as old textiles, insulation, fire doors, certain cement types, plastering, guttering, and wall cladding. Those who work in the building maintenance and construction industry face increased risk of exposure to asbestos. This is because even if the product is no longer in use, it may still be found in many buildings.

Diseases caused by Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos symptoms and diseases are very slow to develop. This means that when they eventually develop, it may be already too late to treat them. The four asbestos related diseases all affect the lungs in some way, which means that the patient will experience breathing difficulties and chest pain. The four are asbestos-related lung cancer, asbestos-related thickening of the lung’s pleural cavity (non-cancerous), scarring of the lungs, and mesothelioma. Even if an asbestos-related disease may take many years to develop, you can still make claim against the erring company.

Can I make an asbestos claim?
In order to make a claim, it would be important for you to be assessed in a specialist hospital and be diagnosed as a sufferer of asbestos related disease such as asbestosis or mesothelioma. Since it generally takes decades to manifest, determining the responsible company may not be so easy. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can help. We can refer you to a local solicitor with first hand experience in dealing with the complexities of asbestos-related disease claims.

Can I make an asbestos claim on behalf of a loved one?
Yes, you can. Asbestos related diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma can take decades to develop. Although medical advances today have made it possible for those diagnosed of asbestos illnesses to enjoy improved life expectancy, total treatment is almost impossible. In some circumstances A patient may sadly not live more than two years after the symptoms manifest. Hence, it is possible to claim compensation for a loved one who has passed away. This is usually a more difficult process, but with our experience in dealing with asbestos related disease claims, we are dedicated to ensuring you and your loved one get a befitting compensation.

How Claim Solutions Scotland Can Help
We understand that asbestos symptoms may take decades to manifest and in some cases, the responsible party may have stopped trading. This can make locating your employer’s insurers difficult. Do not be deterred. Although this may be an issue, making a claim is possible. Our specialist law panel at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd will first look into the details of the responsible company and her insurer. We do our best to help you trace your former employer if they have stopped trading. Where tracing the company becomes difficult, we can help you find evidence from your former clients, colleagues, contractors, and your family, along with an evidence of your medical diagnosis.

If you think your asbestos related disease occurred as a result of negligence on the part of your employer, contact us. You deserve appropriate compensation for their negligence.

With Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd, your case is personal – it is our top priority.

Contact Us​
Contact us to start the claims process today.

Asbestos Claims

Exposure to asbestos was first identified as a work-related hazard in the early 1900s. Since this recognition, thousands of asbestos claims have been filed against companies and employers for neglecting appropriate safety standards to protect their employees despite knowing the link between asbestos exposure and life-threatening diseases.

If you think you have been exposed to asbestos at your workplace, you may be able to claim asbestos compensation. This will involve a legal claim against your employer (or former employer) for causing your injury, whether directly or indirectly, through exposure to asbestos. Exposure to asbestos is the biggest cause of occupational hazards in the UK today.

Even if its use is now illegal, asbestos is still found in a few products and materials such as old textiles, insulation, fire doors, certain cement types, plastering, guttering, and wall cladding. Those who work in the building maintenance and construction industry face increased risk of exposure to asbestos. This is because even if the product is no longer in use, it may still be found in many buildings.

Diseases caused by Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos symptoms and diseases are very slow to develop. This means that when they eventually develop, it may be already too late to treat them. The four asbestos related diseases all affect the lungs in some way, which means that the patient will experience breathing difficulties and chest pain. The four are asbestos-related lung cancer, asbestos-related thickening of the lung’s pleural cavity (non-cancerous), scarring of the lungs, and mesothelioma. Even if an asbestos-related disease may take many years to develop, you can still make claim against the erring company.

Can I make an asbestos claim?
In order to make a claim, it would be important for you to be assessed in a specialist hospital and be diagnosed as a sufferer of asbestos related disease such as asbestosis or mesothelioma. Since it generally takes decades to manifest, determining the responsible company may not be so easy. Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd can help. We can refer you to a local solicitor with first hand experience in dealing with the complexities of asbestos-related disease claims.

Can I make an asbestos claim on behalf of a loved one?
Yes, you can. Asbestos related diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma can take decades to develop. Although medical advances today have made it possible for those diagnosed of asbestos illnesses to enjoy improved life expectancy, total treatment is almost impossible. In some circumstances A patient may sadly not live more than two years after the symptoms manifest. Hence, it is possible to claim compensation for a loved one who has passed away. This is usually a more difficult process, but with our experience in dealing with asbestos related disease claims, we are dedicated to ensuring you and your loved one get a befitting compensation.

How Claim Solutions Scotland Can Help
We understand that asbestos symptoms may take decades to manifest and in some cases, the responsible party may have stopped trading. This can make locating your employer’s insurers difficult. Do not be deterred. Although this may be an issue, making a claim is possible. Our specialist law panel at Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd will first look into the details of the responsible company and her insurer. We do our best to help you trace your former employer if they have stopped trading. Where tracing the company becomes difficult, we can help you find evidence from your former clients, colleagues, contractors, and your family, along with an evidence of your medical diagnosis.

If you think your asbestos related disease occurred as a result of negligence on the part of your employer, contact us. You deserve appropriate compensation for their negligence.

With Claim Solutions Scotland Ltd, your case is personal – it is our top priority.

Contact Us​
Contact us to start the claims process today.

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